Cost of Production Vs Cost of Sale

Cost of Production refers to the total cost of manufacturing a product or service. It includes direct costs such as raw materials, labor costs, and factory overheads, as well as indirect costs such as rent, utilities, and depreciation.

Cost of Production = Cost of Raw Materials + Cost of Direct Labor + Cost of Direct Overhead.

Cost of Sale refers to the cost of producing or acquiring the goods that a company sells. It includes the cost of raw materials, direct labor, and other direct costs that are necessary to manufacture or acquire the goods.

Cost of Sales = Opening Inventory + Cost of Production – Closing Inventory

Cost of Production vs cost of Sale

Example :

Cost of Raw Material  =100

Cost of Labor = 50

Other Direct overhead = 30

Opening Inventory = 20

Closing Inventory = 40

Cost of Production = Cost of Raw Materials + Cost of Direct Labor + Cost of Direct Overhead.

Cost of Production = 100+50+30 = 180

Cost of Sales = Opening Inventory + Cost of Production – Closing Inventory

Cost of Sale = 20+180-40 = 160

Example of Cost of Production vs cost of sale